The Ronya Malibarus, called "Poison Thistle," can be found in the Mak-custl, a barren place called by the Ul-hada "eat poison." The plant is not a very large one, reaching heights of only ten inches at its peak; however, its stem is surrounded by tough tendrils tipped with thorns that grow in a mostly alternating, though sometimes haphazard fashion.
Ronya Malibarus is pollinated by one singular insect: the Spear Tail. This insect resembles the brown, thorny nature of the Poison Thistle, making it easy for the insect to hide from its prey, largely spiders or smaller flying animals like the Aerus Falri, called Tim-Tim by the Ul-hada ((Urluk for "fly fly.")
Ronya Malibarus is a member of the thistle family and belongs in the higher order Avabar.